Beer bagasse.

A residue with a future taste.

Search and development of new products through by-products of the food industry.


We are beer territory.

The artisanal beer culture is strongly rooted and is demonstrated by a long list of projects with an international outlook and a commitment to the local.

The craft beer brewing process generates approximately 20% waste in the form of beer bagasse.

Beer bagasse is a wet paste, resulting from the maceration and filtering process, a by-product that finds its value in animal feed or as organic fertilizer.

And it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t ask ourselves, “How can we bet on giving value to this by-product in the gastronomic field?”

Initial challenge

What challenges do we face?

  • Beer bagasse contains a very high proportion of water after malting and infusion,
  • it contains polysaccharides, fermentable sugars and proteins that make it interesting as a new product.
  • We must take into account that, being a product with high water content, it is susceptible to microbial contamination.


Workinging hand in hand with the Alícia Foundation and in collaboration with a local craft brewing company in a first attempt to learn about the chosen matrix and possible treatments.


Project currently underway.